Type Comic Book
Genre Fantasy, Action, Supernatural
Rating 16+
Status Ongoing series
Working on Three sides of the crystal
Software Krita

«When I'm running, the grass tingles my skin. Rocks, earth and sand fly out from under my feet, branches break under my weight, the taste of rain melts on my tongue, and the fresh air fills my lungs. When I'm flying every feather trembles catching the currents, tickling a little bit, and the wind gently touches my skin as if hugging me. When I'm eating, I consume the flesh, the cells, the memories. Through dead cities, living fields, small settlements and frozen centuries we are living, flying, swimming, running forward and only forward. We are the life. We are the death. We are the Chimeras. And no one has challenged us... Until that day».

Interesting facts This project was born from my night dreams and childhood fantasies and dreams about being not a human, but an immortal intelligent creature free from human rules, laws, evolution, forces of nature and physics. Most of these ideas also rose from the fight with my fears in lucid dreams I started to experience from about 5-6 years old.

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