Knowledge Base - Additiion

*Some of the materials are in Russian

Literature - Usually easy to find

Usually easy to find

  • "Imaginative Realism" James Gurney
  • "Profession - illustrator: learn to think creative" Natali Ratkovski
  • "Point and Line to Plane" Wassily Kandinsky

Literature - Difficult to find. It's better to seek in specialized art and design bookshops or sections

  • "Creative design laboratory. Project graphics" (Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts. Department of industrial design) N.V. Bryzgov, S.V. Voronezhcev, V.B.Loginov/"Творческая лаборатория дизайна. Проектная графика. " (МГХПА. им Строганова. Промышленный дизайн) Н.В. Брызгов , С.В. Воронежцев, В.Б.Логинов (in Russian)
  • "Basics of composition in environmental design. Practical course"(Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts. Department of environmental design) E.I. Ruzova, S.V. Kurasov/"Основы композиции в дизайне среды. Практический курс". (МГХПА. им Строганова. Средовой дизайн) Е.И. Рузова, С.В. Курасов (in Russian)
  • "Shaping in the environmental design. Styling method. Propedeutic course" (Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts. Department of environmental design) E.A. Zaeva-Burdonskaja, S.V. Kurasov/"Формообразование в дизайне средыю Метод стилизации. Пропедевтический курс" (МГХПА. им Строганова. Средовой дизайн) Е.А. Заева-Бурдонская, С.В. Курасов (in Russian)